New Article
A new article has been published on Applied Sciences. You can download at this link:
A new article has been published on Applied Sciences. You can download at this link:
Sebbene il convegno “Science for the Planet” sia ormai terminato, in attesa della seconda edizione del 2025, il Comitato Scientifico è lieto di offrire l’opportunità di presentare un contributo scientifici attraverso lo special issue dedicato al convegno che la rivista scientifica internazionale Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pubblicata dalla Springer, Leggi tutto…
On March 10th, Prof. Avino participated in the conference Oncology Research and Prevention with a speech on “The new frontier of medicine: ultrafine outdoor and indoor particles”
On March 8th, the project relating to the biomonitoring of the Molise area through sentinel bees was completed. the results were presented at the Agriculture, Environment and Food Department of the University of Molise. Clicking on the images you can find the links for the various interviews.
Lunedì scorso, 13 febbraio, è venuto a mancare il prof. Mario Vincenzo Russo, già ordinario di Chimica Analitica all’Università Del Molise. Il prof. Russo, Mario per tutti, era l’ultimo degli allievi del prof. Liberti e di quella scuola romana di cromatografia che tanto ha dato, e continua a dare, alla Leggi tutto…
Prof. Pasquale Avino was interview at #LIVESOCIAL format about the rule of scientists on enviromental and food issues. You can she the interview at the present link:
You can download and read our new article at the present link: